2 ●●● Where I Live

I spoke with both the Austin Police Department and with the Austin Fire Department to get the skinny on the best way to schedule a tour of their facilities.

The Austin fire department is very open and interested in inviting scout groups to come check out their local fire houses.  Below are the instructions they gave on how to schedule your tour as well as a list of phone numbers and addresses of all of their stations.

The Austin police department was also helpful, but it sounds like they don't have quite as much to tour.  Their suggestion was to contact your local District Representative.  The District Rep may be able to give you a tour of their local precinct building, or they may be willing to come out and meet with your den... it is up to each individual District Rep.  Below are the district reps for each of the regions.

Fire Department
In order to schedule a visit, please contact the fire house directly.  

To plan your trip, you will first need to talk to the officer who will be on duty the day you wish to attend.  Since the shifts are usually held on a three day rotation, try calling three, six, nine or 12 days before you wish to visit - that way you have a greater chance of getting the officer who will be on duty on the day you wish to visit.

Below are the contact numbers and addresses for each fire house

Please note:  these phone numbers are for scheduling tours only.  If you have an emergency, PLEASE contact 911 and do not call the numbers below!!!

Station 1 EMS401 East 5th St974-0001
Station 2 BC 1506 W. MLK Blvd974-0002
Station 3201 W. 30th St 478-2001
Station 41000 Blanco St 974-0004
Station 5 EMS1201 Webberville Rd 974-0005
Station 61705 S. Congress Ave 974-0006
Station 7201 Chicon477-6939
Station 8 EMS BC 38989 Research Blvd974-0008
Station 94301 Speedway453-3406
Station 103009 Windsor Rd 478-2013
Station 111605 Kinney Ave 974-0011
Station 122109 Hancock Dr453-4149
Station 14 BC 64305 Airport Blvd 974-0014
Station 15829 Airport Blvd 385-0928
Station 167000 Reese Ln 453-7954
Station 17 BC 44128 S. 1st St 974-0017
Station 18 EMS6311 Berkman928-0311
Station 19 EMS5211 Balcones Dr 452-5484
Station 20 EMS6601 Manchaca Rd 974-0020
Station 214201 Spicewood Springs345-5763
Station 22 EMS5309 E. Riverside Dr 974-0022
Station 23 EMS1330 E. Rundberg Ln836-7246
Station 245811 Nuckles Crossing Rd 974-0024
Station 25 EMS5228 Duval Rd 346-4144
Station 266702 Wentworth926-9399
Station 27 EMS5401 McCarty Ln892-3590
Station 28h2410 W. Parmer Ln974-0028
Station 293704 Deer Ln974-0029
Station 30 EMS1021 W. Braker Ln832-5657
Station 315507 FM 2222338-4899
Station 322804 Montebello Rd 328-3204
Station 339409 Bluegrass Dr 343-6386
Station 34 EMS10041 Lake Creek Pkwy974-0034
Station 35 BC 55500 Burleson Rd 974-0035
Station 36 EMS400 Ralph Ablanedo974-0036
Station 378660 State Hwy 71 West288-1576
Station 38 EMS10111 Anderson Mill Rd974-0038
Station 39 EMS7701 River Place Blvd974-0039
Station 40 EMS12711 Harrisglenn Dr974-0040
Station 41 EMS11205 Harris Branch Pkwy974-0041
Station 42 EMS2434 Cardinal Loop 974-0042
Station 43 EMS11401 Escarpment Blvd974-0043
Station 44 EMS BC 211612 Four Iron Dr974-0044
Station 459421 Spectrum974-0045

Police Station
I contacted the central Austin Police Department and she informed me that they don't give tours of their main facility.  Apparently it is just a bunch of cubicles, and wouldn't really hold the interest of cub scouts :o)  

However, APD does have District Representatives that work as a liason between the police department and the community.  She suggested calling your local APD District Representatives.  Some of them may be able to give a tour of their local precinct, and some may be willing to come out to your den to give a talk. Below are the main contact numbers for each of the District Representatives:

Please note:  these phone numbers are for scheduling tours only.  If you have an emergency, PLEASE contact 911 and do not call the numbers below!

Central West: (512) 974-5340
North Central: (512) 974-5722
Downtown: (512)-974-3822
Northwest: (512)-974-5598
Northeast: (512)-974-5598
Central East: (512) 974-8106
South Central: (512) 974-5902
Southwest: (512) 974-8100
Southeast: (512)-974-8100

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